A collaboration between Red Zebra Community Solutions, The Horsebridge and Whitstable Junior School
  • Opens: 25 May 2024
  • Closes: 2 June 2024
  • Where: Gallery 2

Our project ‘Artfully Yours’ centres around the theme of kindness and community across the generations. 

Working with children from Whitstable Junior School, volunteers from Red Zebra and The Horsebridge Arts Centre and Social Prescribing clients. 

We have been work together in a series of creative workshops to produce a collaborative art installation over a series of weeks which culminates in an exhibition and celebration of their artistic achievements.  

The exhibition coincides with volunteers week; a chance to recognise, celebrate and thank the UK’s incredible volunteers for all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector, and society as a whole.

Exhibitor Information

A collaboration between Red Zebra Community Solutions, The Horsebridge and Whitstable Junior School