Clare Kent
  • Opens: 4 November 2020
  • Closes: 16 November 2020
  • Where: Gallery 1

Clare's exhibition will now sadly not be able to take place as we are required to close for the second lockdown. Clare will be exhibiting in 2021 though so do sign up to our mailing list or keep an eye on our social media channels.


'The intention of 'Ray of Light' is to try to make sense of the world we are living in today in this unprecedented time.

'The world is in a new and confusing state. Every day we are confronting new challenges and changes to the way we live. Every person in the world has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic but among all this Covid 19 chaos there have been some blessings.'

Clare Kent.

In lockdown Clare really felt like she had some good quality time with her children. She got to appreciate the garden in the beautiful weather, walks around the farmers' field. The sun shone a lot for 6 months. Life became slower with less pressure on being busy 24/7. The key was to notice these things and hold onto them as the rest of life became quite debilitating. Through this exhibition Clare brings a little ray of light to Whitstable. Mainly using blossom as a fleeting moment of joy to brighten up the start of these winter months.

This exhibition asks us to look for the hope in things. To notice the soul nourishing moments amidst the difficulties. To hold onto them. To look after yourself and the things you hold dear. To cherish the good, the great, the beautiful and heart-warming snippets in our lives. A ray of light to help us through.

Exhibitor Information

Clare Kent