Please support us with a donation?
We work really hard to earn as much of our income as possible, and currently earn around 85% of our income, but for the gap, about £2,000 every month we have to raise funds through grants and fundraising. This year our grants have focused on expanding our education offering and improving the facilities in the building, so for everything else we need your help please.
£10 will help us supply materials for a children's workshop
£25 helps us support a Pay What You Can space on a studio session
£100 keeps the entire centre open for 30 minutes
£200 could provide a community exhibition space for a week
We hope we've made it as easy as possible to donate ... you can pop into the centre, push one of the donate buttons, do a BACS transfer or even get a retailer to donate whilst you shop online! If you are a UK tax payer and can fill in a gift-aid form and send it to the centre that would be amazing as it allows us to claim back even more from your donation!
Please donate by BACS using
sort code: 30-93-34
account number: 41319060
please add a reference of WEBDONATE
By Text
You can donate up to £20 by text anytime by texting WEBGIVE and the amount to 70085.
To donate £5 text WEBGIVE 5 to 70085.
This costs your donation amount plus a standard rate message.
Donate as you shop
You can donate when shopping by using Give as you Live and selecting Horsebridge as your chosen charity.
Find out more at Give as you Live
Or set us as your charity on large retailers like Amazon please!

Penny Jar donations
It is amazing how the pennies all add up and together can make a hge difference. If you have a penny jar gathering coins at home, would you be willing to donate the coins to us. Just bring in the jar, empty out your coins and we have volunteers ready to count.
Together we create more art for all.