Films and Theatre

Our Monday Matinee film screenings are as much a social occasion for many as they are a chance to watch the film. Every matinee screening includes free tea or coffee and biscuits. We are also running Sunday Matinees, with a focus on historical and contemporary creative figures. 

Don't forget Friends of The Horsebridge get earlybird prices at all times and you can get up to 10 free film tickets a year.

Our performance space also hosts Theatre performances by visiting theatre groups. You can find out more about the performances in their listings.

Upcoming films

The Color Purple (2023)

Monday 20 May 2024 A woman faces many hardships in her life, but ultimately finds extraordinary strength and hope in the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood.

Wicked Little Letters (2023)

Monday 17 June 2024 A 1920s English seaside town bears witness to a farcical and occasionally sinister scandal in this riotous mystery comedy. Based on a stranger than fiction true story.

Upcoming theatre performances

Films and theatre timetable


Have you seen our Talks?

Combining documentary footage and striking contemporary images, this talk charts the progress of the music festival in popular music culture.
The popular series of talks returns with a new programme. Combining art history, biography and critical analysis you will learn about the lives and…

all art talks