We are very excited to announce our new Youth Heritage and creative arts project 'Young History Makers' funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund.
We are partnering with Canterbury Archaeological Trust and Whitstable Community Museum Group to offer a unique opportunity for young people to work alongside archaeologists, historians, and artists to rediscover the history of the local Roman 'pudding pan' pottery and create contemporary pieces of art work inspired by them.
We are currently recruiting a core group of 13 to 25 year olds that will guide and participate in the project over the next 8 months.
We will also be holding a summer school open to all young people aged 10 -16 years from the 19th to the 23rd of August. There will be a range of archaeology and arts based workshops that will be bookable via our website. A detailed programme of events will be released in July.
For more information about the project please email nicola@thehorsebridge.org.uk