The Whitstable Seaside guide has just arrived at the The Horsebridge and is now exclusively available in our shop for £1.00.
The beautifully illustrated guide is part colouring book, part nature guide for children, families and anyone interested in learning about the flora and fauna that live on our local beaches.
Inspired by the success of our Wasteline exhibition in 2018 and our proximity to the beach The Horsebridge commissioned Laura Watson to create the guide. Laura is a local artist, art therapist and yoga teacher who is fascinated by the sea and passionate about the environment. She is the creator of the popular Whitstable and London colouring books.
Whether you are a local or have never been to Whitstable before with the help of Daisy the Diver you’ll be able to learn about and search for over 20 species of plants and creatures that live on our beaches. The ‘Sea Safari’ challenges users to explore an area of the beach to identify common plants, animals and shells whilst some of the more unusual species will take more determination or luck to find!
Fabien Cousteau (Oceanographer and grandson of Marine Conservationist Jacques Cousteau)said “People protect what they love, they love what they understand and they understand what they are taught.” We hope that the guide will help people enjoy and learn about the sea and to encourage them to care for it too.
The production of the guide has been supported by The Cleary Foundation and Brett Group and it is printed on FSC certified paper using vegetable based inks.
The guide and colouring pencils or crayons are available in our shop now.