Various dates: 7 - 8.30pm
This is not a wine school or a “serious” way to learn about wine. This will be a social, fun way to discover your palate and try things you may not have drunk before.
Ask questions, socialise, write notes - or not – and get the chance to buy anything you like with £5 off any order over £20 placed on the night!
There will be 8 wines per session and nibbles included.
28 March: Alternatives night
25 April: Think Pink night
30 May: Focus on a Kent Distillery
27 June: Best BBQ Wines
25 July: Wine school taster night/Fizz Extravaganza
25 September: (WEDNESDAY) Kent focus
31 October: Boutique Beer Fest
27 November: (WEDNESDAY) Port night
December party date to be announced.